History will pass fair judgment on these people. 历史将对这些人作出最公正的判决。
Pass judgment on a person [ case] 判决某人[案件]
Form an opinion of or pass judgment on. 形成对事物的一个看法,判断。
I wiII not pass judgment on this man. 我不会去判定这个男人。
It is difficult to pass judgment on the affair when I know so little about what happened. 我对所发生的事情了解甚少,很难对此事下结论。
We can't pass judgment on that unfortunate race. 我们无法对那个不幸的民族作出判断。
I'm really enjoying the experience, though it's too early to judge the story, and my language level obviously doesn't allow me to pass judgment on the literary value. 我真的很享受这种体验,尽管评价故事还为时过早,和我的语言水平显然不能让我进行文学价值的判断。
From these beginnings, the idea developed that ordinary citizens, sitting as a "jury", be called to pass judgment on their peers. 从一开始,这个想法就发展为一些普通市民被召来作为“陪审团”坐在那里,对与己地位相同的人进行宣判。
At the polling booths, most Wisconsinites seemed to welcome the chance to pass judgment on their elected officials early and often. 在投票站,大部分威斯康辛人看起来很满足于对他们选出的官员进行尽早的经常性的评判。
Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants. 对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要的东西给他。
Don't compare others to your own appearance, or pass judgment on their appearance, simply take in the information. 不要将别人的外表与你自己的作比较,或是对他们下判断,只是获取信息。
Many of Microsoft's customers will get to pass judgment on its software maintenance plan this year when their current contracts come up for renewal. 许多微软客户的软件维护计划将在今年到期,目前的合同等待更新。
It only job is to sit there on our shoulder and pass judgment on whether we are worthwhile human being. 它的唯一使命就是趴在我们的肩膀上,判定我们到底是个什么东西。
The court must pass judgment on the accused man. 法庭必须向被告宣示判决。
The small capitalists as well as the independent handicraftsmen and traders are generally innocent of serious offences, and it is not difficult to pass judgment on them. 这两种工商户一般都无大问题,给他们做结论是不困难的。
Leave aside whether the US government, majority owner of general motors, is fit to pass judgment on Toyota. 姑且不论美国政府作为通用汽车(gm)的大股东,是否适合对丰田(toyota)做出判断。
In a company there may be some sense in getting underlings to pass judgment on superiors, although most such schemes are badly designed. 在公司里,让下属评价上司可能还有一些意义,尽管这类计划大多都设计得很糟糕。
People have also started to criticize and pass judgment on them. 人们也开始对它评头品足。
Their function is to pass judgment on the merit of the protest and instigate required actions from the RC and OC to take remedial action to rectify any refereeing procedure found to contravene the rules. 他们的功能是裁决抗议的是非曲直以及依裁判委员会(rc)和组织委员会(oc)的要求下执行补救的行动以纠正任何违反规则的仲裁。
I don't feel that I have the necessary knowledge to pass judgment on a work of modern art. 我觉得自己不具备评论现代艺术作品所必需的知识。
Harry, rotting beside his tent, takes full advantage of the place and situation to review his own life and pass judgment on himself. 依傍帐外的日子里,溃烂的哈里有感于此情此景,回顾一生过往,评判成败得失。
Are you quallfied to pass judgment on me? 你被授权来审判我了吗?
If, in regard to the desertion of one family member by another, the victim makes a request, the people's court shall pass a judgment on the effecting of maintenance, upbringing and support payments according to law. 对遗弃家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,人民法院应当依法作出支付扶养费、养费、养费的判决。
The voters will pass judgment on the government tonight. 投票者将于今晚发表对政府的看法。
It is difficult to pass judgment on this affair. 很难对这件事做出判断。
After all, it is up to the audience to pass judgment on the singer's performance. 戏唱得好坏,还是归观众评定的。
The methods used in evaluation of implementation of general land use planning are almost qualitative description one at present, which lacks strictly scientific evaluation system, and is hard to pass a judgment objectively and scientifically on the results of implementation of general land use planning. 目前沿用的土地利用总体规划实施评价的方法多为定性的直接描述法,缺乏科学的评价体系,难以对规划实施的效果作出客观、科学的评判。
It was emphasized to study on pass judgment on organization performance of forging equipment industry. 对锻压设备产业组织绩效评判研究是本文的重点。
The moral responsibility that we pass judgment on responsibility according to morality isn't one kind of responsibilities. 道德责任不是责任的一种,而是对责任的道德评判。
Generally speaking, people pass different judgment on the United States interest groups, however, this thesis still tends to the advantages outweighs the disadvantages. 总体看来,人们对利益集团在美国的存在是褒贬不一,但是,本文还是倾向于利大于弊。